How to Demo Skis
If you’re nearly ready to order some custom skis from Wagner but aren’t sure yet what your flavor preference is (or are too late to buy a pair for your upcoming holiday), you may want to go try out a few different models before you make your appointment with our ski designers.
Ideally, you’d want to try some Wagners—you can demo them in Telluride, Aspen, Alta, Deer Vally, Vail, Park City, Steamboat, and Big Sky (*see "Demo from a Shop" below)—but trying skis from other brands will also help you figure out what you like and don’t like.
To that end, here’s a quick guide to how to demo skis and help you through the process.
Wagner Custom Skis come in all different sizes and flavors.
Start by choosing the category of ski that you are looking for, which is mainly determined by waist-width. Do you want something versatile for all-mountain, all the time? You’ll want an all-mountain waist width appropriate for your ability and local conditions. Are you a groomer-oriented skier or want a carving ski for your quiver? You’ll want to go roughly 10 mm narrower. Do you want a dedicated powder ski? You’ll want to go roughly 10 mm wider. (Read this guide on what skis are best for different ability levels.)
In terms of the actual demo, the best way to go is to find a dedicated event at your local resort, where you can demo as many skis as you want in a day. If that’s not an option–or you are demoing for your entire holiday–go to your local shop and talk to the folks on the floor.
Here’s how to get the most out of each scenario.
Demo Day Event
First, you’ll want to memorize your DIN (the number on your ski binding that indicates the release setting) and boot-sole length, which is listed in mm on the outside shell, usually near the heel lug. The brand rep will need this information every time in order to adjust your binding.

Take each ski out and test it on the same run, preferably one where you can get a little bit of every terrain—groomed, bumps, trees, soft snow. Ski only one run on it. (You’ll get the most important information about its personality during the first few turns, before your body and brain adjust to it.) Make short and long turns, carve it hard and then back off and skid it around.
While you are skiing, ask yourself these questions: Is it light and lively? Damp and stable? Does it make you feel more confident? Does it take over and refuse to do your bidding, or does it let you do the driving? Is it demanding or forgiving? Does it hold an edge or chatter at speed? Most importantly, is it fun?

A little discipline in skiing the same run repeatedly (but on different skis) will pay off dividends in finding out what you like (or don't).
Be open to trying different sizes of the same ski—the 156 cm length might feel squirrely, but the 163 may be bomber. Also, try hard to be brand-agnostic. Just because you loved your old Dynastars doesn’t mean you won’t love a different brand. The most important thing is to determine why you liked previous models, and to communicate that effectively to the rep/shop/your ski designer so they can steer you in the right direction.
Demo from a Shop
Firstly, places you can demo Wagner Skis:
Alta, UT: Alta Ski Shop
Aspen, CO: Aspen Ski Company, Gorsuch, Ski Butlers
Big Sky, MT: Ski Butlers
Deer Valley, UT: Deer Valley Ski Shop
Park City, UT: Ski Butlers
Steamboat, CO: Ski Butlers
Telluride, CO: Telluride Ski Resort, Ski Butlers
Vail, CO: Gorsuch, Ski Butlers
If you demo from a shop, you’ll likely be skiing on the same ski for the entire day. Again, the information you get on your first run will be the most important, as you adjust and figure out how to ski pretty much anything as time goes on.
Talk to the folks on the shop floor at length before you decide on which models to test drive. Tell them your ability level, terrain preference, and favorite skis from your past. Be honest. (Women have the tendency to underrate their ability, while men overrate. Deflecting or impressing will not serve you in getting on the right gear.) And keep in mind the conditions—testing a powder ski in frozen conditions or a race ski in deep pow won't tell you much about either (and will probably tear down your confidence).

Got a day of fresh snow? Test a powder ski! No freshies to be had? Try a carving ski.
Get three recommendations within the same category and try them all. (Chances are, you may fall in love with the first one you demo because it’s new to you and has a fresh tune, so be sure to follow through and sample several.) Take notes on your phone on the lift rides so you remember specific attributes. (It’s easy for them to blur together after a few weeks go by.)
Once you get a good feel for what you liked and why, you can either buy that model from the shop or give the information to a custom ski designer at Wagner, who can build you your perfect pair. Schedule a call with us and get started on your perfect skis.
Want to learn more about proper ski dimensions and design? Check out these articles from our Ski Buyer’s Guide:
Article by Kimberly Beekman
Kimberly Beekman is the former editor-in-chief of the late, great Skiing Magazine (RIP), and a longtime editor of SKI Magazine before that. She currently uses the title of “freelancer” as a beard to ski powder all over the world. She lives in Steamboat, Colorado, with her wonderful daughter and terrible cat.