2025 House Graphics
We've been hard at work over the summer working out new House graphics for your consideration.
From an update and expansion of a perennial favorite (Local Redux), to subtle color tones or high contrast, we have got you covered in 2025! Take a look at the collection below – be sure to click on the image to explore the color combinations for each graphic.
Abstraction | Cadmium by Jack Plantz
What if you took our favorite landscapes and times of day and reduced them to their simplest forms? "Abstraction" would be the result.
Auroa | 190 by Heather Baltzley
Aurora's three color combinations are based on the color combinations captured during the massive solar flare in May of 2024. Three color combinations are available.
Black Water
Black Water | Raven by Eldf3n
With a reference to linoleum or wood-block prints, these fauna-inspired graphics are a stark contrast to our usual approach of color and pattern. Four fauna-inspired themes are available.
Bloom | Lush by Jack Plantz
A flora-inspired graphic without the florals, "Bloom" reminds us of Hawaiian forests and lush jungles. This graphic adds a touch of tropical fun to any day out on the slopes.
Brutalist | V1 by Eldf3n
Brutalist buildings emphasize simplicity and structural elements rather than ornamental design. Our approach focuses on core components like color, texture, line, and even breaking our logo down to its simplest, legible parts. Four color combinations are available.
Distance by Heather Baltzley
A happy accident on the way to "Pixelflaked" (see below), this ski graphic changes the closer you get to it. From a distance it appears as a grey ski with hints of color in the snowflake, but as you approach you'll find only dots of color with the snowflake appearing in the negative space.
Illustion | Blue Razzberry by Jack Plantz
"Illusion" evokes memories of Pop Rocks, hard candies, and the carefree summers from our childhood. No matter what conditions you are skiing, this graphic is sure to add a pop to your turns.
Juxtapose | Wind by Eldf3n
"Juxtapose" brings together chaos and calm, curved lines versus a strong diagonal, warm tones against cool, and light competing with dark. Four color combinations are available.
Local Redux
Local Redux | Sierra Nevadas by Heather Baltzley and Eldf3n
We've taken a fresh look at our "Local" graphic and expanded it! Now you can be a local in the San Juans, Cascades, Tetons, or Sierra Nevadas. Four mountain ranges are available, and color combinations can be mixed-and-matched.
Pixelflaked | Damson by Heather Baltzley
Somewhere between "pixelated" and "snowflake", we fused these two concepts together to create something a bit techno. Six color choices are available.
Plumage | Rubra by Jack Plantz
Paradisaea rubra (the red bird-of-paradise) and Paradisornis rudolphi (the blue bird-of-paradise) find themselves as the inspiration for these colorful, art-deco nod graphics. Two color combinations are available.
Textured | Rusted by Heather Baltzley
Both real and generated textures based on ceramic glazes and industrial materials fuze together create something both detailed yet solid. Four textures themes are available.
TPHW | Idle by Eldf3n
TPHW combines a "traditional" building material, marble, with sleek industrial lines, resulting in a blend of natural and modern aesthetic. Four color combinations are available.